We protect your business from copyright liability.

The most comprehensive DMCA Agent service on the market. Best system to receive & process copyright notices. Get Started Now

DMCA Agent

DMCA Agent is your personal agent who recieves and processes copyright notices for you.

If you’re a website owner and one of your users uploads copyrighted material to your platform, you can be held liable – even if you’re not located in the US.

This is why it is required by US law to have a registered DMCA Agent with US Copyright Office. Copyright holder can easily sue you if you don’t have DMCA Agent registration, even if you process all the copyright notices.

It is required by law to have DMCA Agent registration!

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), 17 U.S.C. § 512
01. Registration

We become your DMCA Agent.

First things first - we registered your company and all your domains in US Copyright Office public registry, along with our information as your DMCA Agent. All we need from you is your company name and address, domains and email(s) were we will forward your copyright notices.

02. Receive notices

We receive your copyright notices.

We can receive copyright notices in any way possible: email, fax, regular mail, online chat, phone, even in person. By law, you are required to provide DMCA Agent that can receive notices via regular mail, fax and email. Copyright holder can send you copyright notice via regular mail for it to be considered delivered.

Some copyright owners will send notices via regular mail only to gain more leverage against our customers. We process all the notices and our customers have nothing to worry about.

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We forward all copyright notices.

We filter and email you all the notices we received for you. If we receive the notice via email, we will forward you that email. If we received notice via regular mail, phone, fax, online chat, in person - we will create a nice PDF copy and will email it to you. You can also manage all the notices in your account.

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04. Update registration

We make sure your registration is always updated.

Need to add or remove domains? We got you covered! You can do everything in your account. Or, reach out to us, and we’ll process your request right away. US Copyright Office requires the DMCA Agent registration to be renewed every 2 years. We keep an eye on your registration and renew it automatically. You have nothing to worry about.

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Easy to use dashboard where you can: manager your registration, view all copyright notices, add users and more! Get Started Today

$80 / month


or $100/month

Unlimited copyright notices. DMCA Agent registration. Unlimited domain registrations. US Based Physical Address US Phone & Fax Numbers. Great customer support!
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